Don’t Wait!

These are the words I felt drumming into my head while I sat in a one bedroom cabin, alone, with no electricity, in the middle of the woods. You may ask, why were you sitting in a cabin, in the middle of nowhere with no electricity? In all honesty though, why not? I’ve long jested that I am more suited to the lifestyle of a hermit that I am to that of a technical salesperson. There is a burning inside me and I’ve felt the pull towards a simpler, self-sufficient life ever since I moved to the city for work years ago. I’ve spent many nights lying in bed and overthinking about having that simple, less stressful life…makes sense, right? When my wife showed me the website for I knew I needed to go. In my time at Pacem in Terris I was able to focus, away from the distractions of everything going on, and to realize that I need to start working towards my dreams, NOW. I believe that humanity as a whole has lost itself a little more each year. Right and wrong have lost clear meaning. Everything we want is so readily available that we don’t even realize how blessed we are, we don’t truly understand where our food comes from or even how to really take care of ourselves. Over the coming years I plan to fan the embers of hope, humanity, respect, and knowledge in my writing. I will explore new ways of doing things and share with others what I’ve already learned. I will be looking at new ways to cook, how to fix things, and how to appreciate the world God gave us. Most importantly I want my children to grow up in a world that is different than this one. I want them to grow up in a world where we aren’t afraid to stand up for our convictions, but one where we also love and respect those who may disagree with us. It starts now!

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