
Who Am I to You…

I grew up on a small farm in Michigan. My family grew our own vegetables; in addition to hunting each we raised and butchered our own meat to fill our freezers. Each day we collected eggs from our chickens and drank milk that I brought home from working at a local dairy farm. I spent each summer cutting and splitting multiple cords of wood by hand to be able heat our house during the winter. When I graduated college I moved to a different state, near a bigger city. All of the sudden all of my food came from either a grocery store or a restaurant and my heat was now natural gas. It’s never felt quite natural to me, as if I couldn’t truly trust the food, maybe that I hadn’t earned it. Now it’s 2021, I have a beautiful wife and a family, and the world feels even more unnatural than when I moved all those years ago. My family and I are going to change that. This website is to record our path back to a more natural lifestyle where we make things ourselves, and where we buy ingredients and components, not finished goods. I want to create an environment where my children value hard work and feel more connected to what they’ve created than they do to their electronics. I want to see a community of people that care enough to respect each other, and to share their ideas in working to a similar self-sufficient and sustainable state. I want to find the embers of my childhood and build them back into something greater.